17th May 2024
Dear Parents and Carers of St Cuthbert’s,
Ice-pop Fridays
From next week (Friday 24 May) until the end of term, our Student Council will be selling ice-pops for 50p on a Friday. This is both a fundraiser for school and a good way of keeping cool during the warmer months. The ice-pops have natural colouring and flavouring and are suitable for vegetarians, vegans and are gluten free.
Kenton Foodbank
During the rest of this academic year, we will be collecting food donations for Kenton Foodbank. Please have a look through your kitchen cupboards for any tins or packets of foods you can spare and send them into school with your child. The Student Council will be dropping off any donations the last week of term. Thank you.
St Cuthbert’s Book Celebration Day
On Friday 7 June, we have our St Cuthbert’s Book Celebration Day. Children are invited to dress as characters from their favourite books or come into school in their pyjamas as if ready for a bedtime story. This can include face paints but please ensure these are washable and removed by return to school on Monday 10 June. Please do not feel under pressure to buy any expensive costumes.
At drop off on the morning of Friday 7 June, we are also having a Bring and Buy Book Sale for our families hosted by the Student Council. Please bring along and donate any unwanted books and browse what’s been donated. Any donated books will be sold for £1 each. Light refreshments will also be available. Please send in any donations prior to the day or bring in on the day. Thank you.
The Wizard of Oz
Continuing with our book theme and to celebrate the end of another brilliant year at St Cuthbert’s, we will be watching a live production of The Wizard of Oz on Friday 28 June. To celebrate the day and participate in the performance, children can wear either their own clothes or dress up as a character from The Wizard of Oz. Again, please do not feel the need to spend any money on expensive costumes.
Careers’ Week
We are hosting a Careers’ Week during week beginning 1 July at St Cuthbert’s to help introduce our children to the world of work. If any of our parents have any availability that week to come into school to talk to the children about their jobs/careers please let us know. It can be any job or career in any profession. Any parents/carers who are happy to come into school would be asked to dress as they would for their everyday job and, where possible, bring any portable equipment/resources which they use to do their job. We would then ask you to pop into a couple of classes to talk about your work for a maximum of 10-15 minutes which would also include an opportunity for the children to ask some questions.
If this is something you have time to do and would be interested in doing, please complete the details on the form when it’s shared after half term.
Uniform Swap Shop and Own Clothes Day
On the last day of term (Friday 19 July) we are hosting our first ever Uniform Swap Shop! We are asking all of our parents/carers to send into school on the morning of the last day of term any spare uniform items which are in a good condition and that they don’t need for September 2024. Please ensure these items have been washed and dried. We will sort any donated items out during the day into styles/sizes and then organise them onto tables in the hall. Parents will be invited into school at 3pm on the last day to look through the items and collect any which will be of use in the new academic year. We will be asking for a small donation of £1 per item for our school funds. Children can come into school on the last day of term in their own clothes.
Dates for your diary
We have a very busy half term ahead of us after the break next week. Please consult the Dates for your diary and our school website for events and activities going on in school which involve your children and to which you are invited.
If you wish to discuss any item in this letter or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact school.
Best wishes,
Mrs Anne Bullerwell
Executive Headteacher