
19th October 2023

Dear Parents and Carers of St Cuthbert’s,

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Thank you so much to everyone who donated or who attended our recent coffee morning to raise much-needed funds for Macmillan. The morning was a great success and we sold any left over cakes and treats to the children throughout the week. We raised £450 in total which is just brilliant.


Class Open Evenings

Thank you to everyone who could attend the Class Open Evenings. We hope you found them useful. If you weren’t able to attend, please visit the class section of our school website to view any resources and information shared.


Parent/Carer Evenings

We will be hosting two Parent/Carer Evenings this term. The dates are Tuesday 7th November and Tuesday 14th November, beginning at 3.20pm. Please make an appointment using our usual Teachers2Parents service. Through Teachers2Parents, you will receive an invite for both evenings for each child you have at St Cuthbert’s. Please choose only one appointment per child.


Reading Cafés

Our Reading Cafés have proven to be hugely popular with our families so we will be running these again during the rest of the autumn term and again in the spring and summer. Please check the Dates for your Diary to see when your child’s Reading Café is on.


Anti-bullying Week

In the week beginning the 13th November we will be holding our ‘Anti-bullying Week’ at St Cuthbert’s. Our Safeguarding Champions will be hosting our whole school assembly on Monday of that week and all classes will then participate in a range of activities throughout the week aimed at helping children to recognise bullying when it is happening, the negative impact it can have on others and to help develop the necessary strategies and skills to deal with bullying. On Friday 17th November, we will be celebrating Odd Socks Day. Children are invited to come into school wearing odd and brightly coloured socks for a fun and lighthearted event that encourages people to embrace individuality and celebrate differences. Odd Socks Day is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness about important social issues, including bullying and prejudice.


Non-Uniform Day

On Friday 24th November, we will be having a Non-uniform Day for the whole school. We are asking for any donations, for example chocolates, toiletries, new toys and/or games to be brought in by the children which will then be used as raffle and tombola prizes for the Christmas Fair which will be hosting on the afternoon of Friday 1st December.


Book Fair

We will be hosting our annual Book Fair from Wednesday 8th November to Monday 13th November. Parents are invited to attend with their children at collection time to look through the books and other items on sale. Purchases can be made at the Book Fair but please note, these will be cash purchases only. Please see the Dates for your Diary to see when the Book Fair is open to your child’s class.


Attendance and Punctuality

Please see below our latest attendance figures for St Cuthbert’s. 

Attendance form September 5th up until October 13th


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6








Green Zone:  97% and above; Amber Zone: 91-96%; Red Zone: 90% and below

Well done to Year 6 who have the best school attendance so far this year. They will be able to enjoy some extra Golden Time before we break up for October half term.

Please continue to support your child with their attendance and prompt arrival at school before the main gates close. 

Good attendance provides every child with the best chance of success at primary school and helps ensure they are ready for the challenges of high school. Every day at school counts and no child should be put at a disadvantage by missing school days where they can learn, spend time with their friends and teachers and get the very best out of their primary school days.

We know, through experiences during Covid, the hugely negative impact non attendance at school can have on children’s lives, not only in terms of their academic achievements but also, and more importantly, the impact this can have on their abilty to socialise with others and their mental health and well-being.

We fully understand and support school absences when children are too poorly to attend and we know that this type of absence is completely unavoidable, but we please ask that you make appointments, whenever possible, outside of the school day and that you do not take holidays during term time.

If your child is too poorly to attend school, please follow our school procedures and ring school on the first day of absence no later than 9.30am and by 9.30am on each subsequent day of absence.


Polite Reminder re: the school day

Our school day begins at 8.45am prompt. We have a number of children who are consistently late and who are missing the first 10-15minutes of their learning in school. Please ensure you arrive at school in time for your child to start their school day properly and alongside their classmates.


Dates for the Diary

We have a full list of all of our school events on the Dates for your Diary. Please check the dates carefully so that you don’t miss out on anything.

If there is anything you would like to discuss or if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued support of St Cuthbert’s; it is really very much appreciated by us all. 

Best wishes,

Mrs Bullerwell





Monday 30th October


School Reopens after Half Term

Tuesday 31st October


Nasal Flu Vaccinations

Thursday 2nd November


Y6 Class Mass (School Chapel)

Monday 6th November

All Day

Y2 Trip to Discovery Museum

Tuesday 7th November

From 3.20pm

Parent/Carer Evening

Wednesday 8th November


Reception Reading Cafe

Wednesday 8th November


Y5 Trip to Cinema

Wednesday 8th November


Nursery / Reception Book Fair

Thursday 9th November


National Roast Dinner Day

Thursday 9th November


Y1/Y2 Book Fair

Thursday 9th November


Y5 Class Mass (in Church)

Friday 10th November


Y5/6 Book Fair

Monday 13th November

All Day

Y4 Trip to Discovery Museum

Monday 13th November


Y3/4 Book Fair

Tuesday 14th November

From 3.20pm

Parent/Carer Evening

Wednesday 15th November


Y1 Reading Cafe

Thursday 16th November


Y3/Y4 Class Mass (in Church)

Friday 17th November

All Day

Odd Sock Day (Anti Bullying Week)

Monday 20th November


Nursery Curriculum Talk

Wednesday 22nd November


Y2 Reading Café

Thursday 23rd November


Y5/Y6 Class Mass (in Church)

Friday 24th November

All Day

Non-Uniform Day – Bring a tombola prize

Wednesday 29th November


Y3 Reading Café

Friday 1st December


PTFA Christmas Fair

Wednesday 6th December


Nursery Christmas Sing Song

Wednesday 6th December


Y4 Reading Café

Thursday 7th December


Y6 Carol Singing at Toby Carvery

Friday 8th December


Reception Christmas Sing Song

Tuesday 12th December


Cinderella Christmas Pantomime

Wednesday 13th December


Christmas Lunch

Friday 15th December


KS1 Nativity

Monday 18th December


KS2 Carols by Candlelight (in Church)

Tuesday 19th December


KS2 Carols by Candlelight (in Church)

Wednesday 20th December


Nursery Christmas Party

Thursday 21ST December


Reception to Y6 Party Day and Disco

Friday 22nd December


School Closes for Christmas Holidays


St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435.

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH