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Dear Parents and Carers of St Cuthbert’s,


Please see below the information and advice we have received from Northumbria Police re: issues with driving safely and parking around school which have been reported to school by some parents.


Ignoring parking restrictions and/or obstructive parking is illegal and may be enforced by either Newcastle City Council Parking enforcement officers or Northumbria Police.


Newcastle City Council Parking Enforcement can be contacted on 0191 277739, between 8am and 6pm and may only enforce obstructive parking where:


  • Vehicles are parked on the footpath or road and are adjacent to parking restrictions (such as yellow lines) or

  • Vehicles are parked on the footpath over the dropped kerb leading to a driveway or garage and enforcement action may only be taken where the resident who is being obstructed reports the offence

  • Vehicles are parked on the footpath or road adjacent to a dropped kerb where pedestrians cross.


Northumbria Police can be contacted on 101, at any time and can undertake enforcement of obstructive parking where:


  • Vehicles are parked partially or fully on the footpath and generally enforcement occurs where a pedestrian is physically unable to pass on the footpath.  Our rule of thumb is can a double buggy fit through.

  • Vehicles are parked on the road as to prevent another vehicle from passing.

  • Vehicles are parked on the road opposite the driveway/garage preventing access/egress to it and enforcement action may only be taken where the resident who is being obstructed reports the offence.

  • All of the above may be enforced by the Police without parking restrictions being present.


Please note: Northumbria Police have advised school staff not to ‘police’ parking or driving around school but to report any concerns using the correct channels. As pedestrians around school premises, please use the correct channels to share any future concerns re: parking and driving which are Northumbria Police or Newcastle City Council as described above. School staff do not have any powers over drivers or car owners. These concerns are civil matters and, as such, should be dealt with by the correct authorities. 


Thank you for your continued support.

Best wishes,

Mrs Anne Bullerwell

Executive Headteacher

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