Design and Technology is an inspiring, thought- provoking and practical subject which has a vital role in contributing to a balanced curriculum and creating problem solvers of the future. It is a subject that encourages children to ‘learn to think’ creatively to solve practical problems both as individuals and through teamwork.
At St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School, our aim is to encourage children to:
use their creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts locally, nationally and globally
consider their own and others’ needs, wants and values
aim to expand their awareness of different food groups and how to prepare and create foods to eat whilst considering hygiene, safety, seasonality and affordability
wherever possible, link work to other disciplines such as mathematics, science, computing and art
explore, research and compare products, reflect upon and evaluate past and present design technology
become problem solvers in their own right
Through a variety of creative and practical activities, we teach the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in the design and technology process which is:
constructing and using materials
developing, planning and communicating ideas
evaluating processes and products
using and applying mechanisms
working with tools
working with textiles
using and applying hygiene and safety to prepare and cook foods
Each year group follows a curriculum map with subject specific learning outcomes shared half termly through the ‘Little Big Picture’. Planning is supported by the Design and Technology Association ‘Projects on a Page’ schemes of work. This is adapted to the particular needs and requirements of our children ensuring the subject content form the National Curriculum is followed.
Key progression skills for Design and Technology have been mapped across the school to ensure clear development through the year groups. Key concepts and technical vocabulary are also included in planning which follows an overall design, make and evaluative structure. Encouraging the use of technical vocabulary during discussion opportunities links directly into our whole school focus on improving ‘oracy’ and ‘written’ skills.
Our eco-warriors assess recycling opportunities and other energy saving areas that staff and pupils can promote and support. These are shared with each year group with the potential for Design and Technology lessons to address and solve school community problems.
Cooking and Nutrition is taught across EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Food hygiene and safety is taught from Early years with a focus on preparing healthy snacks to prepare and eat. This is developed further across Key Stage 1 with a focus on cutting and slicing foods as part of the preparation process. In Key Stage 2, children have the opportunity to work with the C.H.E.F.F (Cooking, Healthy Eating, Fitness and Fun) Project. Children are taught how to prepare foods hygienically and safely using a range of utensils and equipment, cook their foods using portable gas hobs and finally tasting their foods once cooked. C.H.E.F.F. is based at Centre West Newcastle and their aims are to provide nutritional advice, to promote healthy eating through a healthy and varied diet with an understanding of seasonality and affordability.
Within Design and Technology, we strive to prepare children to take part in the development of tomorrow’s rapidly changing world. We aim to encourage children to become creative problem-solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team. Through the study of Design and Technology, children combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues, as well as of functions and industrial practices. This allows them to reflect on and evaluate present and past design and technology, its uses and its impact.
Our Design and Technology curriculum is well thought out and planned to demonstrate progression. We focus on progression of knowledge and skills and discreet vocabulary progression also form part of the units of work. We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
Assessing children’s understanding of topic linked vocabulary before and after the unit is taught
Assessing pupil discussions about their learning throughout the unit
Images and videos of the children’s practical learning
Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil conferencing and pupil voice)
Environment walks
Monitoring and evaluating work and planning
Moderation staff meetings where pupil’s projects which are written and recorded in books are scrutinised and there is the opportunity for a dialogue between teachers to understand their class’s work
Marking and feedback of projects against the design criteria and learning outcomes
Annual reporting of standards across the curriculum