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First and foremost we are a Catholic school which strives for excellence in everything that we do. We are determined, ambitious and aspirational for our pupils: St Cuthbert’s being situated in one of the most deprived wards in Newcastle, gives us the opportunity and the privilege to work with some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable families in the city. Upward social mobility is one of our key drivers: developing pupils’ full and true potential and doing everything we can as educators to impact positively on and improve their life chances. Our school mission statement ‘to be the very best that we can be, showing Christ’s love in all we do’ underpins and drives all aspects of school life. Improvements are sustained and built on through our embedded ethos and culture of high expectations, high challenge, high support and shared accountability for all pupils but especially for those most disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils. Engagement and enjoyment are also key aspects of what we want to achieve in our school and the curriculum we have designed and developed provides quality learning experiences which children enjoy.  


Our Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) curriculum is embedded in everything we do and intrinsically linked to our Catholic traditions and Values, the locale of the school and our determination and desire for every pupil to achieve to the very best of their ability and to prepare them for high school and later life.   


Our curriculum and everything we do at St Cuthbert’s is underpinned by the Gospel Values and derived from Jesus’ Law of Love: Respect, Trust, Honesty, Compassion, Forgiveness, Mercy, Community, Tolerance, Courage, Equality, Justice and Peace. These Values are taught on their own and through other areas of the curriculum, including assemblies. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils and their understanding of Gospel Values and the British Values of our society are woven through the curriculum. 


At St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School we use the ‘Come and See’ Catholic Teaching Programme to teach all of our Religious Education (RE) from Nursery through to Year 6 which includes a Daily Act of Worship. RE is taught as a discrete subject every week and our Catholicism permeates everything that we do. Relationships and Sex Education follows the diocesan agreed scheme, ‘Journey in Love’.  


Our Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE) Curriculum follows the guidelines and expectations outlined by the PSHE Association. PSHE is taught discretely and across many other curriculum areas and in all aspects of school life. As well as Quality First Teaching, the school utilises a whole range of specialists and external agencies to support teaching and learning in this area.  


Our school offers a broad and balanced curriculum which inspires pupils to learn. The school teaches and builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all pupils, whatever their starting points, as they progress from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) through to Key Stage 2. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the Early Years Outcomes and National Curriculum 2014 and other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs and interests of the pupils in our school.  The aim of our curriculum is for pupils to develop a lifelong love of learning and the requisite skills to be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education and in all aspects of their learning. 


Some pupils are still working on the Early Learning Goals of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum as they enter Year 1 but the majority have achieved the Early Learning Goals and are ready for the National Curriculum. There is a transition period in the Autumn Term in Year 1 where the pupils access a more ‘play based’ curriculum to enable the move from one curriculum to the other as smooth as possible. Throughout the EYFS and KS1, all pupils are developing their phonic knowledge through the Letters and Sounds Programme, including their segmenting and blending skills and their fluency and understanding in reading through our comprehensive approach to the teaching of reading. Once the pupils have achieved Phase 6 of the Letters and Sounds Programme in Year 2, our Spelling Programme is introduced and is delivered from the Summer Term in Year 2 to the end of Year 6.  


St Cuthbert’s teaches the National Curriculum from Year 1 through to Year 6. For the core subjects, English (Reading, Writing, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) and Maths, the school uses the Sheffield Steps Grids to support planning and assessment across Key Stages, phases, years and terms. Attainment and achievement in the core subjects is tracked using the Steps Grids and teaching and learning adjusted accordingly to meet the needs and interests of the learners; ensure that there are no gaps in learning and that no pupil gets left behind. The most and more able pupils are challenged accordingly and pupils who find aspects of their learning more difficult are appropriately supported so that they too are enabled to experience success.  National requirements and school requirements for the Core Subjects and the Foundation Subjects are identified by term on our Curriculum Maps. The content, knowledge, skills and understanding taught across the curriculum are outlined on the school’s Subject Profiles and Progression in Skills documents.  


The coverage of the skills, knowledge and understanding of the English curriculum and the Mathematics curriculum are supported through the Steps Grids but the school has developed its own approach to the teaching of reading, writing and GPS and Mathematics. In English, the skills of writing and GPS are taught discretely and through all other subjects. In Reading, comprehension skills and responses to reading are developed through all other subjects and through the study of a class novel or author. Reading for Pleasure is a key element of our extensive reading curriculum. Mathematics is taught discretely and through other subjects. Reading, writing, GPS and Maths are taught every day.  


The school teaches Science, ICT, French, Physical Education (PE) and Sports every week.  St Cuthbert’s follows the National Curriculum in all of these areas but the school has designed its own approach using a wide range of materials and resources.  


The school has mapped all subjects for each year group on our bespoke Curriculum Maps. The school has ensured that it meets the requirements of the National Curriculum through our curriculum design and delivery. We aim to embed as much of the learning and experiences of the pupils in our local area as much as possible, taking advantage of our rich and varied history and the wonderful location in which, we live. We aim to customise our curriculum and capitalise upon the experiences and backgrounds of pupils as well as provide them with relevant new experiences. Specialist teachers and instructors do support teaching and learning in Music, PE and Sports and the teaching of French – these specialists do not replace our teachers but enhance the learning experiences of our pupils.   


In all curriculum areas, the school strives for excellence through both the breadth (opportunities to do the same things in a range of different ways through a rich and varied curriculum) and depth (how well children understand and can use and apply what they have learnt in a range of contexts) of what we deliver. Pupils experiencing breadth and growing depth of understanding of the curriculum, leads to mastery: mastery is a journey and longterm goal, achieved through exploration, clarification, practice and application over time.   


Teaching and learning across EYFS, KS1 and KS2 is led by the Senior Leadership Team supported by individual Curriculum Subject Leaders. Subject Leaders are given training and the opportunity to keep developing their own subject knowledge, skills and understanding so they can support curriculum development and their colleagues throughout the school. Whole school activities and opportunities within and outside school all enrich and develop the pupils’ learning. After school clubs and events extend these opportunities further. Additional whole school programmes and approaches support Quality First Teaching and learning and the school is well resourced in terms of learning materials, books and technology. 


The indoor and outdoor environment and the local community are considered an opportunity for active learning for all our pupils. The school grounds have been developed so they can enrich different curriculum areas and further developments are being made.  


Pupils have many opportunities to share their learning with each other, their parents and carers and other learners through our school website, school-based activities, performances, competitions and events involving other schools. Developing their independence and motivation as learners and their sense of responsibility as future citizens is at the heart of all our teaching and learning. 

To enhance our curriculum further, we have three key residential visits: Robinwood in Year 4; Deneholme in Year 5 and Lindisfarne (Holy Island) in Year 6. These residential visits are an integral part of our SMSC and PSHE curriculum and provide a wealth of opportunities and new experiences to develop knowledge, skills, understanding and huge range of personal attributes. Visitors are also invited into school to share their insights and experiences across a whole range of contexts and subjects.  

For more information about the curriculum at St Cuthbert’s, please see our: 

  • School Mission Statement 

  • School website 

  • Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Statements 

  • Teaching and Learning Policy 

  • Curriculum Maps 

  • ‘Come and See’ and ‘Journey in Love’ Programmes  

  • Individual Subject Policies 

  • Steps Grids for English and Mathematics 

  • Progression documents for each subject 

  • Subject Profiles 

  • PSHE/SMSC, PE and Sports and Enhanced Provision Maps 


At St Cuthbert’s we believe that every child is unique and made in the image of Christ. We believe that every child should experience a rich and broad curriculum where they can flourish, use all of their talents to the very best of their ability and reach their full potential.  We believe that children develop their self- esteem and confidence when they feel valued and successful. When this happens children feel empowered to overcome whatever barriers they may face.  In order to develop children’s skills there needs to be a balance between core and foundation subjects.  This means we have designed, planned and organised a unique curriculum to ensure that all children feel emotionally secure so they can make excellent progress both academically and personally. Our high standards permeate through all areas of the curriculum. This motivates all children to enjoy their learning, make progress, strive to attain national expectations and develop critical thinking and apply knowledge gained at greater depth.

At St Cuthbert’s we sensitively discuss pupils’ backgrounds, life experiences and culture to help us design and plan a broad, rich and flexible curriculum. We believe that by focussing on the following key priorities our children will have had the opportunity to secure the skills and attributes necessary in readiness for the next stage of their learning journey. Our key priorities are:

  • Aspirations – we strive to provide experiences which illuminate a wide range of possibilities and life chances.

  • Initiative – we consistently promote varied strategies to support independent and resourceful learning.

  • Environment – we aim to support pupils’ value their environment and understand their responsibilities in contributing to and sustaining their local and global environment.

Through systematically reflecting on the interests and experiences of all pupils in school, we believe that we support and champion our culture to ensure that everyone benefits from a full range of academic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural activities. These learning opportunities enrich their lives and develop a sense of pride in their British values and wonderfully diverse society to which they belong.  Our broad curriculum promotes self-belief and encourages each child to lead a happy and fulfilled life as they aim high and strive to reach their goals and dreams. 

At St Cuthbert’s we design and plan our curriculum to meet all learning outcomes but we also consider how pupils can achieve greater depth to their knowledge. This enables children to use their skills and understanding across a range of curriculum areas. To achieve this, we revisit previous learning, provide opportunities to repeat and practise key skills and processes and meticulously design learning outcomes that promote higher order thinking and depth of reasoning. 

We believe that the curriculum at St Cuthbert’s prepares children for their high school years and paves the way for each and every one of them to lead a full and rich life becoming the very best person that they can be.


Adaptive teaching and learning at St Cuthbert’s enables all pupils to reach their full learning potential.  

Key elements:  

  • A ‘child centred’ approach to all teaching and learning experiences  

  • Excellent knowledge of the pupil’s abilities and their starting points   

  • A well-resourced and well organised environment  

  • Excellent subject knowledge of teaching staff across all subject areas and a deep understanding of where strong connections can be made across and between different subjects to make learning experiences meaningful  

  • A strong understanding from teachers of what constitutes deep learning and mastery in subjects   

  • Range of teaching and learning strategies utilised to engage learners  

  • Teaching and learning objectives and outcomes pitched at the more able pupils raising expectations and aspirations for all   

  • Delivering the same curriculum to all pupils with the long term aim of closing the achievement gap between pupils  

  • Teaching and learning based around a variety of high quality tasks and activities, some which are tiered to provide layers of complexity and challenge  

  • Range of sophisticated scaffolds, including the deployment of other adults, to allow all pupils access to a range of challenging tasks  

  • Different elements of choice for pupils and their learning built into teaching   

  • Effective and targeted questioning providing a wide range of higher-order thinking challenges  

  • A flexible and sophisticated approach to pairs and groupings of pupils and pupils who are experienced in collaborative working  

  • Assessment for learning strategies (sharing of learning objectives, Little Big Pictures, checklists to success, peer and self-assessment, marking and feedback including next steps for learning)  

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