Personal development at St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School is built upon the foundations of our Gospel and British Values which are ever present in our school Mission Statement:
God made us all unique
To learn, live and grow
To show care, concern and friendship
To be the best we can
Showing Christ’s love in all we do.
These values underpin our school culture and every pupil’s daily school life.
Our personal development curriculum goes beyond the National Curriculum. It offers unique learning experiences which provide students with enriched cultural capital. By offering a varied and diverse set of experiences, we help to prepare students for life in modern day Britain.
Our personal development curriculum provides significant opportunities for pupils to engage in the following key areas of education:
Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural
Personal, Social, Health and Economic
Character Development
Pupil Voice and Peer Leadership
Careers and Enterprise
Spiritual Development
At St Cuthbert's, spiritual development enables pupils to look within themselves, at their human relationships and the wider world.
We are committed to:
Celebrating our Catholic Faith and our Catholic Mission
Celebrating the religious and non-religious beliefs and values that our pupils bring as part of their family culture/heritage and to build an awareness of and respect for others’ spiritual and religious beliefs
Fostering common human values and building spiritual capacities to promote self-worth, self-esteem and a valuing of others
Helping our pupils to come to an understanding of themselves as unique individuals
Developing our pupils’ curiosity, imagination, creativity and promoting a sense of awe and wonder.
At St Cuthbert's, we promote spiritual development through:
Our programme of Prayer and Liturgy
Our whole school assemblies
Class and celebration assemblies
Class presentations
School visits to places of worship
Educational visits and visitors which inspire awe and wonder
Themed days and weeks
RE curriculum
PSHE/SRE curriculum
Moral Development
At St Cuthbert's, moral development enables our pupils to know what is right and wrong and to act on it accordingly.
We are committed to encouraging our pupils to:
Be truthful and honest
Respect the rights and property of others, their opinions and customs, even when they are different from our own
Help others
Solve differences of opinion
Consequently, we reject all forms of bullying, cruelty, dishonesty, violence and discrimination and have procedures in place for dealing with such instances.
At St Cuthbert's, we promote moral development through:
Our Catholic Faith in Action
Gospel Values
British Values
PSHE/SRE curriculum
School Mission and Vision
Golden Time
Collective Worship
Supporting charities and fundraising
Social Development
At St Cuthbert's, social development enables our pupils to understand the rights and responsibilities of living in a community and being a responsible citizen.
We are committed to:
Fostering the skill and qualities of team building through the development of self-confidence, co-operation, sensitivity to others, reliability, initiative and understanding
Providing an environment where pupils can take responsibility for themselves and others in school and the wider society
Acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Enabling pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain
At St Cuthbert's, we promote social development through:
Gospel Values
British Values
PSHE/SRE curriculum
Pupil voice and peer leadership roles
Sports Day
Educational Visits
Extra-Curricular activities
Supporting the local community
Cultural Development
At St Cuthbert's, cultural development enables our pupils to acquire knowledge and understanding of others’ cultural traditions. We value and celebrate the cultural diversity of our school and our society.
We are committed to:
Promoting an appreciation of our own cultural tradition/s and encouraging an appreciation of other peoples’ cultural traditions
Celebrating the richness of culture and tradition
Providing opportunities for pupils to participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities
At St Cuthbert's, we promote cultural development through:
Celebrating events
Curriculum themed days designed to inspire, excite and inform the children for their upcoming topic
Sharing children’s own personal experience
Visits and visitors
Music and Dance events
Theatre Trips
University Visits
At St Cuthbert's, we use the PSHE Association scheme of work as the basis for our PSHE learning.
We aim to inspire pupil’s interest and curiosity to know more about how to live in the wider world. We want our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We want them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a tolerant member of a diverse society. We encourage children to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. We aim to create lifelong learners who understand how to build strong and healthy relationships, manage their emotions and form positive beliefs, values and attitudes.
Health and Relationships Education (HRE)
At St Cuthbert's, we use Ten:Ten Life to the Full to teach HRE.
Life to the Full is a Relationships and Health Education curriculum programme underpinned by a Christian faith understanding that our deepest identity is as a child of God – created, chosen and loved by God. Through this programme, we aim for all children to be able to develop positive, healthy and fulfilling relationships as children and gain the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to take them into a healthy and happy adult life.
At St Cuthbert's, we acknowledge that the experiences provided for children in their primary years has a major impact on their future wellbeing and success. It is for this reason, we have made a whole school commitment to the teaching and development of character traits, attributes and behaviours which underpin achievement and success; endeavouring to ensure that developing ‘character’ goes hand in hand with high educational aspirations and achievement.
Through our rich and exciting curriculum, we focus on teaching pupils to be their best selves, to take pride in their work, and to be positive members of the school, and greater global communities.
We want to create children who thrive on challenge, love learning, respect each other and have attributes that will ensure that they will be valued members of our society.
Our Values Assemblies teach pupils about the personal qualities valued in society. Assemblies also enable pupils to explore issues relating directly to rules, behaviour and bullying.
We hold a weekly Celebration Assembly where we celebrate children’s classroom achievements. Each week teachers choose pupils to receive certificates for a range of attributes, both personal and academic. In these assemblies we present Headteacher Awards, St Cuthbert's Awards and celebrate any of our school team or individual sporting achievements.
We believe that the views, experiences and influence of our pupils are a crucial part of our drive to continuously improve our provision. We therefore seek ways to listen to the views of our pupils and involve them in decision-making so that they are engaged as partners in the life of the school. We create meaningful roles for pupils to allow them to develop leadership skills.
Our Pupil Voice and Peer Leadership Roles are:
Student Council
Safeguarding Champions
Eco Warriors
Reading Buddies
Forest School Leaders
Well-being Champions
Uniform Buddies
Subject Leaders
At St Cuthbert's, we recognise the important role that is played by primary schools in enabling children to have high aspirations about their future through independent and impartial careers advice. As a school we endeavour to provide children with a range of meaningful experiences, visits and visitors to that teach them about the world of work and provide information about future careers.
Our aims are to:
Aspire pupils to think of the future, increasing aspiration for all
Develop and encourage a sense of ambition towards a future career
Understand the basic skills and attitudes needed to be successful in the world of work and provide experiences of meaningful interaction with the world of work
Provide high quality information from a wide variety of sources –curriculum lessons, growth mind set sessions, PHSE lessons, specific career sessions and visitors from a variety of careers
Challenge all forms of stereotype (by background, gender or diversity groups) and preconceptions
Develop self-evaluation skills and make plans for the future
Increase knowledge of post 11 and post 16
What does Cultural Capital Mean?
Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare for their future success. It is about giving children the best possible start to their early and primary education.
The term ‘cultural capital’ comes originally from the field of sociology, which involves the study of society, including relationships, social interactions, and culture. It is important to recognise that everyone has cultural capital – which is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a child can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a pupil will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work.
Cultural Capital can be Static and linked only to a child’s interaction with their parents and reflective of their socio-economic status.
Cultural Capital can be Dynamic and influenced by external factors which can impact on a child’s cultural capital and shape their lives.
Cultural Capital is not something that is ‘given’ or ‘taught’. It is about living and experiencing a broad range of cultural, language, traditions, environments.
Cultural capital is empowering. It helps children achieve goals, become successful, and rise up the social ladder without necessarily coming from or having wealth or financial capital. Cultural capital is having ‘assets’ that give children the desire to aspire and achieve social mobility whatever their starting point in life.
Cultural Capital at St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School
Our aim is to enrich every child’s school experience and create an environment where they are encouraged to succeed and be the best they can be.
Cultural capital is about preparing children with the knowledge and skills for what comes next. We realise the exploration of new skills and experiences helps to nurture resilience, curiosity, and creativity. Ultimately, this leads to the growth of new forms of cultural capital that makes a difference in individual mindsets and shapes the future.
At St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School, children benefit from a broad and balanced high quality bespoke curriculum. It is through this curriculum that children live and experience culture, language, traditions, and environments.
The Curriculum at St Cuthbert’s is underpinned by the five following principles which all promote our approach to providing our children with ‘dynamic cultural capital’:
Every child is valued and embraced as unique individuals - we ensure our children have a strong sense of belonging and self-worth, that they feel safe in school and know that we love and care for them and want what’s best for them. We value and respect each child for who they are and where they come from. We ensure children’s individual talents are identified and nurtured and we raise children’s aspirations for themselves.
An understanding of the importance of Curriculum Literacy – our school provides a high-quality curriculum; an instructional model-based approach to teaching and learning in the classroom; teaching content and strategies which are based on sound educational research; strong subject leaders and subject leadership and high quality targeted professional development on specific curriculum areas.
Prioritising the experiences of the children as learners – our school provides a knowledge rich, age and need appropriate, broad and balanced curriculum which is cohesive and well-sequenced across all key stages; our curriculum is bespoke to our school, aspirational and challenging.
Promoting a wide and varied curriculum which goes beyond the classroom – our school provides plenty of opportunities to explore new activities, through lunchtime and after school clubs; teaching children about a wide variety of arts including literature and music; learning outside of the classroom, prioritising school trips and residentials and providing plenty of opportunities for questioning, curiosity and creativity.
Providing a stimulating, attractive, purposeful, aspirational, and inspirational learning environment – our school environment is outstanding and responds to the needs of our children and promotes a positive experience to learning and school. It caters for all areas of our bespoke, broad, and balanced curriculum.
St Cuthbert's does not own the rights to the music included on the YouTube video below.