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Year 4: Autumn 2024

Updated: Dec 19, 2024

In the last two weeks of term, in history, Year 4 explored Ancient and modern Olympics, tasted Greek food, made their own Greek vases and even found out how to say 'cheers' in Greek! Year 4 also enjoyed their Christmas party yesterday!

Well done on a great term, Year 4!

Year 4 have worked hard in RHE this week. We have looked at different types of relationships in our lives, including family, friends and other people and explored how to relate to people within these different relationships. We also discussed what it means to be a good friend and have tried some strategies to use when relationships become difficult. 

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Year 4 have had a great start to the year! They have loved working together to come up with some fabulous class rules as well as modelling solid, liquids and gases particles in our science topic 'States of Matter'. Well done for a great start, Year 4!

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Year 4 have enjoyed their first music lesson and have worked collaboratively to identify features of mountain landscapes, as part of our Geography topic. Super work!

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Year 4 have had an exciting week in English this week! They also enjoyed their French session.

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Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their Fire Safety talk this week. We spoke about lots of different things: how to stay safe in our homes, the importance of fire alarms and testing them frequently, signs and causes of a fire and what to do if there's a fire. We also loved filling in the workbook after the session! Well done, Year 4!

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed science this week! We explored the types of teeth we have and their functions. We discussed how to look after our teeth and why this is important. Near the end of the lesson, we played some matching games on the iPads - some Year 4 members definitely got competitive about how quickly they could complete the tasks!

For Remembrance Day, Year 4 took time to gather around our class prayer table to read out some of our poems and prayers we created for those who fought for us. Year 4 have also been enjoying their gymnastics sessions where they have been working on balancing, 3 person and 6 person pyramids and strength positions! 

Year 4 enjoyed investigating Ancient Greek artefacts in history this week! 

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