The Nursery children put on their fancy clothes and dancing shoes for our Christmas party. We boogied in the hall to Christmas music, played party games, ate delicious party food and even had a very special visit from Santa. What an exciting day! We hope you all have a magical Christmas.
The Nursery staff were very proud of the children when they presented the ‘Christmas Sing Song.’ The children performed beautifully and loved sharing with their families, songs that told the story of when Baby Jesus was born.
We have been very busy in Nursery getting ready for Christmas. We decorated the Christmas tree, made decorations that we get to take home for the holidays and also have our very own naughty Elf who gets up to a whole lot of mischief in nursery!

We have had a colourful and explosive week in Nursery talking about the fireworks we’ve seen and recreating them. We flicked paint onto large paper to create a firework filled night sky. We made some biscuit rockets which tasted scrumptious and explored lots of firework themed tuff trays.

Nursery have had a great first week in Nursery playing with all the new toys and meeting lots of new friends.
Nursery have enjoyed exploring their senses in the new ‘Sensory Room’. We loved playing in the ball pool, chilling out in the den surrounded by twinkling lights. We have also been learning how to balance on various beams and objects.
Nursery have been ‘Happy and you know it’ this week exploring all things ‘Nursery Rhyme’. We have been ‘Five little monkeys jumping on the bed’-Don’t tell Mrs Bullerwell! We have loved playing musical instruments and singing along to different rhymes and have played with numerous nursery rhyme tuff trays.
Nursery have been learning about ourselves this week. We painted, chalked,and drew images of ourselves. We talked about how our body reacts to big feelings e.g. happy and sad. We enjoyed making silly faces with different resources in Nursery.
Nursery have been exploring the world around them using our Five Senses. We have listened to some mysterious sounds, played eye spy and used our hands and feet to feel different textures. We used our noses to smell some delicious chocolate and some very stinky cheese. We had fabulous fun wearing blindfolds and tasting some salty popcorn and some very bitter lemon.
Nursery have loved investigating the season of Autumn. We created our own sticky collage of autumn objects, jumped in a pile of leaves and listened to the crackling under our feet. We enjoyed making our very own Spiky hedgehogs using playdough and sticks.
Nursery have been learning all about Remembrance Day. We found out that people wear red poppies to remind them of the brave soldiers who fought in the war. We talked about how the purple poppy is worn to remember all the animals who were in the war. We made some giant poppies and created our own poppy to take home. We celebrated the soldiers and animals in our liturgy and observed the two minute silence at 11 o'clock.
Ahoy, Me Hearties! We have had a swashbuckling adventure in Nursery. We sailed the seven seas on our own Nursery Pirate ship and we found a treasure chest full of gold coins. When we dressed up for our ‘Pirate Celebration Day’. We danced a jig in the hall and played pirate party games. This made us so hungry and ready for our hearty pirate grub. We were so good at our dancing that we were given a chocolate coin from captain Redbeard himself!