
24th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers of St Cuthbert’s,

First Holy Communion Celebrations

Congratulations to our Year 4 children who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 20 May. The Mass was wonderful and our children, as always, were a credit to their families and school. Thank you to the Catechists of St Cuthbert’s Church, Mr Dodds and all of the adults in school who helped prepare the children so well for their First Holy Communion and organise the Mass. Thank you also to Fr. Mariadass for leading such a lovely Mass and celebration of our faith on the day.

Reading Cafés

Our Reading Cafés are proving to be a huge success. We still have sessions planned in our diary for our Nursery, Reception and Year 4 Classes. Please come along if you’re able and enjoy a reading session with your child.

Ice-pop Fridays

After half term (week beginning 5 June) our Student Council will be selling ice-pops for 50p on a Friday. This is both a fundraiser for school and a good way of keeping cool during the warmer months. The ice-pops have natural colouring and flavouring and are suitable for vegetarians, vegans and are gluten free.

St Cuthbert’s Book Celebration Day

On Friday 9 June, we have our Book Celebration Day. Children are invited to dress as characters from their favourite books or come into school in their pyjamas as if ready for a bedtime story. Please do not feel under pressure to buy any expensive costumes. I’ve dressed up every year we’ve hosted this with clothes and accessories I’ve already had at home.

At drop off on the morning of Friday 9 June, we are also having a Bring and Buy Book Sale. Please bring along and donate any unwanted books and browse what’s been donated. Any donated books will be sold for £1 each. Light refreshments will also be available.

Mary’s Meals

During the rest of this academic year, we will be collecting food donations for Kenton Foodbank. Please have a look through your kitchen cupboards for any tins or packets of foods you can spare and send them into school with your child. Thank you.

Staff who are leaving St Cuthbert’s

Mrs Ramplin, one of our longest standing members of staff is retiring at the end of this academic year. I would like to thank Mrs Ramplin for the fantastic contribution she has made over the years to our whole school community in her wide and varied roles. I would also like to commend and thank Mrs Ramplin on her exceptionally long service of 30 years and the loyalty and commitment she has shown the children and community of St Cuthbert’s throughout her time here. St Cuthbert’s has benefited from her passion and many skills, talents and expertise. Mrs Ramplin leaves the school a better place for having been in it. St Cuthbert’s will not be the same without her!

Mrs Ramplin will be a huge miss at St Cuthbert’s. On behalf of all of the children staff, governors and parents/carers, both past and present, I wish her the very best of health and happiness in her retirement and wish her the very best of luck for the future.

Mrs Robinson, one of our office team, is leaving at the beginning of June to take up a new administrator role in one of our local high schools. Mrs Robinson has been a lovely addition to St Cuthbert’s, and she will be a huge miss when she leaves. We wish her every success in her new post.

Mrs Ganguly, one of our KS2 Teaching Assistants, is leaving at the end of this academic year to take up a specialist teaching assistant role at another local high school. Mrs Ganguly has worked tirelessly to help the children of St Cuthbert’s and she will be sorely missed by staff and children alike.

Executive Headteacher Role

The Chief Executive of BBCET has asked that I continue in the Executive Headteacher role across both St Cuthbert’s and St George’s for another academic year. All of the staff at St Cuthbert’s will continue their School-to-School Partnership work with the staff at St George’s. The partnership work has been a brilliant opportunity for both schools to grow, develop and continue to improve.

Dates for your diary

We have a very busy half term ahead of us after the break next week. Please consult the Dates for your diary below for events and activities going on in school which involve your children and to which you are invited.

If you wish to discuss any item in this letter or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact school.

Best wishes,

Mrs Anne Bullerwell



Dates for you Diary June - July 2023

Monday 5th June


Children back to school after Half Term Holidays

Thursday 8th June


Y1 Mass in School Chapel

Friday 9th June

All Day

Book Celebration Day - children to dress as a character from their favourite book



Parents/Children Bring and Buy Book Sale Fundraiser



Student Council to visit BBCET Art Display at the Discovery Museum

Monday 12th June  


Y6 visit to Jubilee Theatre, St. Nicholas’ Hospital

Wednesday 14th June 


New Reception Parent/Carer Meeting

Thursday 15th June

All Day

Y1 Trip to St Mary’s Lighthouse



Y2 Mass in Church

Friday 16th June 


Y3 Class Assembly – parents invited

Tuesday 20th June


New Nursery Parent/Carer Meeting

Wednesday 21st June

All Day 

Nursery Trip to Bill Quays Farm


All Day

Y6 Trip to The Big Gig - Vertu Motors Arena



Reception Reading Café

Thursday 22nd June

All Day 

Reception Trip to The Rising Sun Country Park



Y5 Mass in Church

Friday 23rd June

All Day

Own Clothes Day – PTFA Summer Fair Fundraiser (children to bring a tombola prize if possible)

Wednesday 28th June

All Day  

Y6 Residential to Moor House


All Day

Y5 Trip to Beamish – Crank It Up Competition



Nursery Reading Café and Teddy Bears Picnic

Thursday 29th June

All Day

Y6 Residential to Moor House



Y4 Mass in Church

Friday 30th June

All Day 

Y6 Residential to Moor House



Y2 Class Assembly – parents invited

Monday 3rd July

All Day

Sports Day

Tuesday 4th July

All Day

Y2 Trip to the Victoria Tunnel, Stepney Bank Stables & Seven Stories

Wednesday 5th July 


Y4 Reading Café

Thursday 6th July 


Y3 Mass in School Chapel

Friday 7th July


PTFA Summer Fair

Thursday 13th July      


Reception/Y6 Mass in Church

Friday 14th July  


Y5 Class Assembly – parents invited

Thursday 20th July  


Whole School Mass (Y5 to lead) in Church



Y6 Leavers Show/Assembly – parents invited

Friday 21st July


School closes for the Summer Holidays

St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435.

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH